Donnerstag, Februar 22, 2007

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - und AUS!!

Guten Abend alle miteinander!
Die Reise im flugzeug von christchurch, sydney dubai nach wien hat 33 stunden gedauert. war eigentlich ganz ok. bin mit der oebb nach sankt valentin und von dort mit eigenem auto nach losenstein. das war wieder eine totale umstellung von links- auf rechtsverkehr. ich habe paar mal statt geblinkt den scheibenwischer eine ehrenrunde drehen lassen ;))
zuhause habe ich gleich mal mein neues zimmer anschauen muessen - fein geworden!!! da fuehlt man sich gleich wieder wohl - das essen, die landschaft, die familie es passt einfach alles hier!!! oder DAHOAM IS DAHOAM!!
obwohl: mich juckt es mich schon wieder mal, so eine ähnliche reise zu machen - villeicht eher mehr kiten statt bergsteigen , nach suedostasien oder evtl nach hawei zum wavekiten???
das steht alles noch in den sternen.....
eine solche reise kann ich jedem empfehlen, der noch irgendwie die moeglichkeit hat, aus dem alltag etwas zu entwischen. bitte macht's es!! es kann einem nur bereichern!
weitere kommentare folgen sicher noch.
bin zu muede für heute - ich freue mich schon auf euch!
lg bernhard
ps.: das ist mein neues zimmer aus ahornholz mit waldkanten -geil - und wie man sieht, juckt es mich schon wieder in den beinen, eine solche reise wieder mal zu machen.

good bye wonderful new zealand!

ich bin gespannt, in welcher weise es mich veraendert hat, ihr werdet es sehen...

zurück im alltag - hier zählen wieder andere werte! oder?

bin auch gespannt, wann ich wieder mal "unter strom stehe"...

Mittwoch, Februar 21, 2007


Hi. how r u? yesterday i did my last kitesurf lession in christchurch and i am now an iko kitesurfer level 3. yeahh.
jeremhy from learnt me the first jumps and that was so smooth. u must feel it. aaii. sweet.

mountain bording - the beach is here 25 k's long if low tide
thats me on action - muhaaa
tzzzzz - u can see the smile in the face ( and the nice hair..)

a very good north rider

christchurch at dusk

christchurch at night
catching the sun

washing the car - it was so dirty...
some nice window from the cathedral in christchurch

some artist with the driven chainsaw
crazy guy
so this evening my airplane departs at 18:45 to sydney than dubai than hoefully vienna.
i am glad to come back on the one hand to see the family and friends but on the other hand the trip could do longer... but neverthelesse everytime there comes to an end.... cya in austria for some silly staff.

Dienstag, Februar 20, 2007

Akaroa and Christchurch

hi yesterday i drove from kaikora to akaroa. on the evening before yesterday (lazy sunday in nelson because of no good wind) i went south to kaikoura. and near blenheim an civil policemen caught me because of speeding. i managed it to pay nothing. so also the new zealand policemen are nice...
on monday afternoon i did some swimming with dolphin with in akaroa. that is a peninsula south of christchurch. we were only 5 people on board and we were lucky to get 30 hector dolphins in the marine reserve area. i had the most around me were about 10 dolphins. they get very close to me ( nearly 20 cms) and swum around me. after the session the jumped very high , that means they are very happy.
really nice place there in akaroa. by the way that place is a french settlement with nice restaurant and bars.
on the evening i went back to christchurch and had a nice sunset there.
me swimming with the funny dolphins


sunset at mt cavendish near christchurch
christchurch at night

catching the sun

this is wizard! he speak every day in afternoon about the problems to save the world. most of the problem this day is the shopping from the women. man can save the world by stopping this stupid shopping from the women . so lets do it! SAVE THE WORLD.

Samstag, Februar 17, 2007

nelson back again

this saturday i went swimming in richmond and in the afternoon i did a kitesurflession with warren.
i try now to get back to the starting point and do the turn.
so it needs some hours to get really into it, but when i come home i would like to try snowkiting when it gets possible. i make progress every lessions - wow
so now i will look for the wind and weather conditions to answer my question if i should go to christchurch or i will spend another day here in nelson for kitesurfing, because i want to do the first jump otherwise i have to stay here in new zealand!!!
ok cya

Freitag, Februar 16, 2007

Mt. Cook

Hi guys. The last days i spent at the mt cook area. and i was lucky to see this fucking beautiful mountain and the lakes. wow!!
i climbed up to muellers hut(1800m) and i was above the clouds. nothing more to say about it....
i met three interesting people at my descent there.
Lake Tekapo

Lake Pukaki
sunset at lake pukaki with mt cook
above the clouds

Mt. Cook
sealy tarns lakes

i am thirsty. give me some water.

muellers hut
sealy tarn lakes

hooker valley

sheeps on the street in morning when i went from clearwater lake to nelson.
this friday i did some fine kitesurflession with wiebke in nelson. nice windy weather - i prefer now more the north kite than the Capirinha kite. the north kite is more direct. capirinha is for rokies ;)) i hope i can try tommorrow my first jump.

The spirit of the mountains calls one unceasingly and bids one to understand.
Those to whose spirit it has spoken can never more be sundered from it though seas and other lands lie between, for they bear the memory of it about in their hearts continually, as if it were a new strength.
(Peter Graham, New Zealand Mountain Guide 1878-1961)